Best Communications

O nás

Best Communications je pražská PR agentúra poskytujúca služby v oblasti vzťahov s médiami, marketingovej komunikácie, public affairs a vzťahov s cieľovými skupinami pre spoločnosti pôsobiace na Slovensku a v Českej republike.

Spoločnosť je ako jediná z regiónu strednej a východnej Európy členom britskej asociácie PR agentúr PRCA, poprednej európskej asociácie v sektore public relations a public affairs. Best poskytuje svojim klientom zo strednej a východnej Európy služby založené na najnovších medzinárodných komunikačných trendoch a na najvyšších štandardoch medzinárodnej praxe.

Best bol založený v roku 1995 Euanom Edworthym, Škótom, ktorý získal skúsenosti vo veľkých medzinárodných spoločnostiach v Londýne a Hong Kongu. Dnes je Best jednou z najúspešnejších PR agentúr v regióne. Vo svojej pražskej kancelárii zamestnáva viac než 20 odborníkov a má partnerské PR agentúry vo veľkých mestách strednej a východnej Európy.

Konzultanti PR agentúry tvoria tím zložený z Čechov, Slovákov, Američanov a rodákov z Veľkej Británie, z ktorých všetci ovládajú niekoľko svetových jazykov. Ich práca presahuje región strednej a výhodnej Európy. PR Agentúra zamestnáva špecialistov na vzťahy s médiami, public affairs a spoločenské podujatia, ale aj na oblasti dizajnu, reklamy, online a sociálnych médií, internej komunikácie, výskumu trhu a krízovej komunikácie.

Best Communications poskytuje poradenstvo a zastupuje medzinárodné spoločnosti, ktoré posilňujú svoju prítomnosť na trhoch strednej a východnej Európy, ale aj slovenské a české firmy, ktoré chcú rásť a profilovať sa v stredoeurópskom regióne.

Best Communications je exkluzívnym partnerom siete SEC Newgate pre český a slovenský trh.



Chief Security Officer


Keď budete požadovať len to najlepšie, často to tiež dostanete.

W. Somerset Maugham

Best svojim klientom zaručuje najvyššiu úroveň poskytovaných služieb. Ponúkame detailné znalosti získané na základe starostlivého výskumu a prichádzame s nápaditými spôsobmi, ako našich klientov zviditeľniť v dave. Máme vyškolených špecialistov, ktorí sú ambiciózni a pozorní, nielen čo sa týka prístupu a práce pre našich klientov. Naše kampane v oblasti PR a public affairs pomáhajú klientom dosahovať značné obchodné úspechy, ktoré monitorujeme a meriame v číslach.

Naši PR špecialisti vedia, že firemná reputácia a postavenie značky sú veľmi cenné a musia byť starostlivo rozvíjané. Preto sú neustále v pohotovosti a reagujú 24 hodín denne, 7 dní v týždni. Vedia, že úspech znamená mať vždy náskok pred konkurenciou, a preto pracujú v rýchlom tempe. Cieľom Best Communications je, aby boli jej klienti v rámci daného trhu, priemyselného odvetvia či sektoru vnímaní ako tí najlepší, a aby sa im vďaka tomu darilo napĺňať ich obchodné ciele.



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Tlač a dizajn webu


Interná komunikácia

Mediálny tréning

Programy na podporu angažovanosti zamestnancov


Naša práca

(EN) For dm drogerie markt, efficient warehousing and logistics operations are a top priority. That’s why the company has moved into new space at Prologis Park Prague D1 Ostředek, where unique features and Prologis’ customer-centric approach will help it achieve even greater operational efficiency. dm drogerie markt moved into building DC2 in Ostředek at the end of February. The company currently operates 256 stores in the Czech Republic, and required a tailored logistics space with specific solutions to meet its warehousing requirements. dm also needed a space close to its other distribution centers, boosting efficiency for its entire distribution network. Tailored solutions in the facility include an automatic packing line, enabling the wrapping of pallets and the application of labels at a rapid rate, responding to the high packaging capacity required in dm drogerie markt’s operations. The machine automatically starts the wrapping cycle and sends a signal when the process is complete, saving the time of at least two co-workers who can focus on other activities. It’s an example of how Prologis works with customers to deliver solutions specifically intended to enable and enhance their operations. “We are thrilled to move into this modern distribution center, fitted out with solutions aimed at boosting our operations,” says Petr Vaněček from dm. “At the same time, we will benefit from a location that’s ideally situated to link up with our existing distribution network. We’re looking forward to working from Ostředek as a base for supplying our stores throughout the Czech Republic and our Czech online shop for years to come.” In a transaction brokered by Cushman & Wakefield, dm’s new distribution center, including warehouse space and related administrative facilities, covers over 21,000 square meters. An increasingly popular location on the Czech logistics map, Prologis Park Prague D1 Ostředek provides easy access to the Czech capital as well as other major markets in the Czech Republic and abroad. dm drogerie markt’s new space also delivers advanced sustainability solutions to help the company operate efficiently and boost environmental protection, including heat pumps, smart LED lighting, and preparations for the installation of an on-site solar power plant. As a dynamic new park, Prologis Park Prague D1 Ostředek delivers a sustainable environment for all customers who call it home, including through a gas-free power supply. This comprehensive approach to sustainability has led to dm’s space being accredited at the Very Good level by BREEAM. “dm drogerie markt’s new space is everything that a modern logistics space should be: ideally situated, fitted out with tailored solutions, and equipped with state-of-the-art sustainability solutions,” says Anna Jůzová, Leasing Manager at Prologis. “Working together with dm to create the perfect warehouse solution for the company has been a pleasure for the entire Prologis team. We look forward to continuing to support their day-to-day operations at this special park.”

(EN) For dm drogerie markt, efficient warehousing and logistics operations are a top priority. That’s why the company has moved into new space at Prologis Park Prague D1 Ostředek, where unique features and Prologis’ customer-centric approach will help it achieve even greater operational efficiency. dm drogerie markt moved into building DC2 in Ostředek at the end of February. The company currently operates 256 stores in the Czech Republic, and required a tailored logistics space with specific solutions to meet its warehousing requirements. dm also needed a space close to its other distribution centers, boosting efficiency for its entire distribution network. Tailored solutions in the facility include an automatic packing line, enabling the wrapping of pallets and the application of labels at a rapid rate, responding to the high packaging capacity required in dm drogerie markt’s operations. The machine automatically starts the wrapping cycle and sends a signal when the process is complete, saving the time of at least two co-workers who can focus on other activities. It’s an example of how Prologis works with customers to deliver solutions specifically intended to enable and enhance their operations. “We are thrilled to move into this modern distribution center, fitted out with solutions aimed at boosting our operations,” says Petr Vaněček from dm. “At the same time, we will benefit from a location that’s ideally situated to link up with our existing distribution network. We’re looking forward to working from Ostředek as a base for supplying our stores throughout the Czech Republic and our Czech online shop for years to come.” In a transaction brokered by Cushman & Wakefield, dm’s new distribution center, including warehouse space and related administrative facilities, covers over 21,000 square meters. An increasingly popular location on the Czech logistics map, Prologis Park Prague D1 Ostředek provides easy access to the Czech capital as well as other major markets in the Czech Republic and abroad. dm drogerie markt’s new space also delivers advanced sustainability solutions to help the company operate efficiently and boost environmental protection, including heat pumps, smart LED lighting, and preparations for the installation of an on-site solar power plant. As a dynamic new park, Prologis Park Prague D1 Ostředek delivers a sustainable environment for all customers who call it home, including through a gas-free power supply. This comprehensive approach to sustainability has led to dm’s space being accredited at the Very Good level by BREEAM. “dm drogerie markt’s new space is everything that a modern logistics space should be: ideally situated, fitted out with tailored solutions, and equipped with state-of-the-art sustainability solutions,” says Anna Jůzová, Leasing Manager at Prologis. “Working together with dm to create the perfect warehouse solution for the company has been a pleasure for the entire Prologis team. We look forward to continuing to support their day-to-day operations at this special park.”

(EN) For dm drogerie markt, efficient warehousing and logistics operations are a top priority. That’s why the company has moved into new space at Prologis Park Prague D1 Ostředek, where unique features and Prologis’ customer-centric approach will help it achieve even greater operational efficiency. dm drogerie markt moved into building DC2 in Ostředek at the end of February. The company currently operates 256 stores in the Czech Republic, and required a tailored logistics space with specific solutions to meet its warehousing requirements. dm also needed a space close to its other distribution centers, boosting efficiency for its entire distribution network. Tailored solutions in the facility include an automatic packing line, enabling the wrapping of pallets and the application of labels at a rapid rate, responding to the high packaging capacity required in dm drogerie markt’s operations. The machine automatically starts the wrapping cycle and sends a signal when the process is complete, saving the time of at least two co-workers who can focus on other activities. It’s an example of how Prologis works with customers to deliver solutions specifically intended to enable and enhance their operations. “We are thrilled to move into this modern distribution center, fitted out with solutions aimed at boosting our operations,” says Petr Vaněček from dm. “At the same time, we will benefit from a location that’s ideally situated to link up with our existing distribution network. We’re looking forward to working from Ostředek as a base for supplying our stores throughout the Czech Republic and our Czech online shop for years to come.” In a transaction brokered by Cushman & Wakefield, dm’s new distribution center, including warehouse space and related administrative facilities, covers over 21,000 square meters. An increasingly popular location on the Czech logistics map, Prologis Park Prague D1 Ostředek provides easy access to the Czech capital as well as other major markets in the Czech Republic and abroad. dm drogerie markt’s new space also delivers advanced sustainability solutions to help the company operate efficiently and boost environmental protection, including heat pumps, smart LED lighting, and preparations for the installation of an on-site solar power plant. As a dynamic new park, Prologis Park Prague D1 Ostředek delivers a sustainable environment for all customers who call it home, including through a gas-free power supply. This comprehensive approach to sustainability has led to dm’s space being accredited at the Very Good level by BREEAM. “dm drogerie markt’s new space is everything that a modern logistics space should be: ideally situated, fitted out with tailored solutions, and equipped with state-of-the-art sustainability solutions,” says Anna Jůzová, Leasing Manager at Prologis. “Working together with dm to create the perfect warehouse solution for the company has been a pleasure for the entire Prologis team. We look forward to continuing to support their day-to-day operations at this special park.”


Tlačové správy

(EN) For dm drogerie markt, efficient warehousing and logistics operations are a top priority. That’s why the company has moved into new space at Prologis Park Prague D1 Ostředek, where unique features and Prologis’ customer-centric approach will help it achieve even greater operational efficiency. dm drogerie markt moved into building DC2 in Ostředek at the end of February. The company currently operates 256 stores in the Czech Republic, and required a tailored logistics space with specific solutions to meet its warehousing requirements. dm also needed a space close to its other distribution centers, boosting efficiency for its entire distribution network. Tailored solutions in the facility include an automatic packing line, enabling the wrapping of pallets and the application of labels at a rapid rate, responding to the high packaging capacity required in dm drogerie markt’s operations. The machine automatically starts the wrapping cycle and sends a signal when the process is complete, saving the time of at least two co-workers who can focus on other activities. It’s an example of how Prologis works with customers to deliver solutions specifically intended to enable and enhance their operations. “We are thrilled to move into this modern distribution center, fitted out with solutions aimed at boosting our operations,” says Petr Vaněček from dm. “At the same time, we will benefit from a location that’s ideally situated to link up with our existing distribution network. We’re looking forward to working from Ostředek as a base for supplying our stores throughout the Czech Republic and our Czech online shop for years to come.” In a transaction brokered by Cushman & Wakefield, dm’s new distribution center, including warehouse space and related administrative facilities, covers over 21,000 square meters. An increasingly popular location on the Czech logistics map, Prologis Park Prague D1 Ostředek provides easy access to the Czech capital as well as other major markets in the Czech Republic and abroad. dm drogerie markt’s new space also delivers advanced sustainability solutions to help the company operate efficiently and boost environmental protection, including heat pumps, smart LED lighting, and preparations for the installation of an on-site solar power plant. As a dynamic new park, Prologis Park Prague D1 Ostředek delivers a sustainable environment for all customers who call it home, including through a gas-free power supply. This comprehensive approach to sustainability has led to dm’s space being accredited at the Very Good level by BREEAM. “dm drogerie markt’s new space is everything that a modern logistics space should be: ideally situated, fitted out with tailored solutions, and equipped with state-of-the-art sustainability solutions,” says Anna Jůzová, Leasing Manager at Prologis. “Working together with dm to create the perfect warehouse solution for the company has been a pleasure for the entire Prologis team. We look forward to continuing to support their day-to-day operations at this special park.”

Ľutujeme, táto stránka je dostupná len v EN a CZ.



PR agentúra Best Communications

Tel.: +420 257 532 030

Euan Edworthy 
Founder & Chairman
Nina Černá 

BEST Mediální společnost, s.r.o., Malé náměstí 459/11, 110 00  Praha 1, Česká republika, IČ: 61065587, DIČ: CZ61065587
Zapísaná v obchodom registri vedenom Mestským súdom v Prahe,  spisová značka: odd.C, vložka 43575

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